Birkenhead RSA


Obverse: A Crowned Effigy of the Sovereign.

Reverse: The inscription "THE NEW ZEALAND GENERAL SERVICE MEDAL" within a wreath of New Zealand flora (fern fronds, pohutukawa, and kowhai blossom) ensigned by a Royal Crown.

Size: 36mm in diameter.

Ribbon: 32mm wide. A broad central stripe of red with a narrow stripe of white, a broad stripe of light green, and a narrow stripe of black on either side.

Suspension: By a plain straight suspender.

Instituted on 31st August, 2004, this silver medal was awarded for service with New Zealand Government contribution to the United Nations Mine Action Service in Iraq, or as a member of a New Zealand Government contribution to an international force providing humanitarian and reconstruction assistance.

Operational Area
In these regulations, operational area means the area within the land territory, airspace and territorial sea of the country of Iraq.

The following persons are eligible for the Medal:-
(1) members of the Armed Forces (within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Defence Act 1990):
(2) New Zealand civilians:
(3) any other persons whom the Prime Minister, on the advice of the Minister of Defence, may determine.

Qualifying service
(1) A person qualifies for the award of the Medal under this regulation if he or she meets the requirements of regulation 6 and:-
(a) has served, on or after 27 May 2003, a day or more on land in the operational area, while a member of a New Zealand Government contribution to the United Nations Mine Action Service; or
(b) has served, on or after 17 September 2003, a day or more on land in the operational area while a member of a New Zealand Government contribution to an international force providing humanitarian and reconstruction assistance; or
(c) has completed, on or after 17 September 2003, 1 sortie or more into the operational area as aircrew or supernumerary aircrew, while posted or attached to a unit allocated for direct support of operations with a New Zealand Government contribution to an international force providing humanitarian and reconstruction assistance; or
(d) has served 30 days or more, after 27 May 2003, continuous or aggregated, while on staff visits, familiarisation tours, escort duties, or other non-essential tasks in the operational area; or
(e) has had his or her period of service in the operational area terminated, before the completion of qualifying service, by death or evacuation owing to wounds or other disability caused by that service; or
(f) did not complete qualifying service, but has been given a New Zealand Royal Honour for gallantry or bravery in the operational area; or
(g) if the mission directive stated that the deployment was to be greater than the qualifying service in the operational area, has had his or her period of service in the operational area terminated before the completion of the qualifying service at the direction of the New Zealand Government department or agency that deployed him or her, where that termination is for official reasons (not personal, compassionate, or disciplinary).
(2) Service in the operational area for this Medal does not qualify for The New Zealand General Service Medal (Afghanistan) 2002.
(3) Service in the operational area that qualifies for The New Zealand General Service Medal (Afghanistan) 2002 is not qualifying service for this Medal.

Royal Warrant For This Award: View Warrant (PDF document)

Regulations For This Award: View Regulations (PDF document)

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